QST Recent Presentations
- International Meeting for Autism Research poster session, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 14, 2015. “Treating Sensory Disability in Autism with QST Massage Decreases Severity of Autism: A Replication Study.” Full text here.
- Grand Rounds at Bay Area Hospital, Coos Bay, Oregon, May 2, 2014. “Treatment for Sensory and Self-regulatory Symptoms in Young Children with Autism”
- Dinner Presentation at Bay Area Hospital, Coos Bay, Oregon, May 2, 2014. “Treatment for Sensory and Self-regulatory Symptoms in Young Children with Autism”
- Autism and Chinese Medicine Conference, Harvard, Dana-Farber Institute, Boston, MA. August 18, 2013.
- Prevalence, Significance, and Treatment of Abnormal Tactile Responses in Young Children with Autism.
- 25th Annual Symposium of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Baltimore, Maryland, May 5, 2013. “Treating Children with Autism with Qigong Massage: Research Summary” and “Treating Children with Autism with Qigong Massage” presented by Dr. Louisa Silva.
- Early Childhood/Early Intervention Symposium at Western Oregon University, Monmouth, Oregon. March 4, 2013. A decade of research on parent-delivered qigong massage for young children with autism and Down syndrome.
- Marion County Dental Hygienists Study Club, Early Intervention for Autism with Parent-Delivered Massage. Salem, Oregon, April 3, 2012
- International Meeting For Autism Research conference. Parent-delivered qigong massage treatment for autism – a research-driven approach to developmental delay in young children. San Diego, CA, May 12, 2011
- International Meeting For Autism Research conference. Preliminary data validating a qualitative assessment of core and co-morbid autism symptoms: The Sense and Self-Regulation Checklist. San Diego, CA, May 13, 2011
- World Federation Acupuncture Society, International Acupuncture Conference. A Model and Treatment for Autism at the Convergence of Chinese Medicine and Western Science: First 130 Cases. San Francisco, November 2010
- Autism Society of America National Conference. A Model and Treatment for Early Intervention in Autism. Dallas, Texas, July 2010
- Autism One Conference. Qigong Sensory Training. Chicago, May 2010
- Oregon Therapy in Education Settings (TIES) 2010 conference. Qigong Sensory Training Research Update. Eugene, Oregon, April 2010
University Speaking Engagements 2011-2012
- Klaipeda University, Lithuania. Fullbright study. June – July 2012. Pilot study of qigong massage application in Lithuanian Kindergartens for autism, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy.
- Klaipeda University, Lithuania. Fullbright study. April – May 2012. Pilot study of qigong massage application in Lithuanian Kindergartens.
- University of California, San Francisco, OSHER Center, January 25, 2012. The relationship of abnormal sensory responses and self-regulatory deficits.
- New England School of Acupuncture (NESA), November 8, 2011 in Newton, MA
- Western Oregon University. February 2011. Autism: Issues and Strategies course. A massage treatment for autism from Chinese medicine: Research and implications.
- Klaipeda University, Lithuania. January 2011. A massage treatment for autism from Chinese medicine: Research and implications.
- University of California, Los Angeles. February 2011. Alternative Medicine course for first year medical students. A massage treatment for autism from Chinese medicine: Research and implications.