Dr. Silva was in Barcelona, Spain, last week to present our research at Copedia 2016, a conference of pediatric medical professionals. Her presentations were:
- Controversies in Pediatrics, Barcelona, Spain, April 2, 2016. “Two-year outcomes of treating tactile loss in children with autism.”
- Controversies in Pediatrics, Barcelona, Spain, April 1, 2016. “First skin biopsies in children with autism show loss of C-tactile fibers.”
While in Barcelona, she and had the delightful experience of teaching the massage to the family of a five-year old with autism. They practiced on the kitchen table. Both parents were so surprised by how much their son relaxed. They shared our book/DVD with the parents at their son’s school, and they were surprised too! The next day, we had 30 hits on our website from Barcelona!