My Child’s First Year of Massage: A Parent Workbook


This is a workbook for parents as they undertake their child’s first year of QST massage. It is to be used in conjunction with the book/DVD package, Qigong Massage for Your Child with Autism. The heart of the workbook is a weekly parent journal for parents to record the massage, alternating with weekly letters to encourage, support, and empower parents to get the most out of the year for their child. It also contains the new information we have learned since publishing the first book. Look inside here. (IMPORTANT: This book does not include instructions on how to do the massage. Qigong Massage for Your Child with Autism book/DVD provides the information needed for you to learn the massage.)

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This is a workbook for parents as they undertake their child’s first year of QST massage. It is to be used in conjunction with the book/DVD package, Qigong Massage for Your Child with Autism. The heart of the workbook is a weekly parent journal for parents to record the massage, alternating with weekly letters to encourage, support, and empower parents to get the most out of the year for their child. It also contains the new information we have learned since publishing the first book. Look inside here. (IMPORTANT: This book does not include instructions on how to do the massage. Qigong Massage for Your Child with Autism book/DVD provides the information needed for you to learn the massage.)

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Weight 0.3 kg


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